
Grad Life Valentine’s Dinner

Graduate Life is excited to announce our annual Valentine’s Day Dinner with SEBTS professors and their spouses! If you are a graduate student married couple join us for a night of… Delicious food. Amazing prizes. Incredible conversations. And so much more – for only $20 per couple! Seating is limited, so RSVP here before it

Breakfast with Docs

Graduate Life is hosting Breakfast with Docs! Join Dr. Strickland and Dr. Locke for breakfast on Wednesday, February 1 from 8 AM – 9 AM in the Ledford MPR! Come prepared with questions about their work, life, interests and etc. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know them better in a casual setting,

Exploring Personhood: Human Formation

How are humans formed? Join us as we advance the conversation at Exploring Personhood: Human Formation, an upcoming conference from the Center for Faith and Culture on Feb. 2-3. You’ll learn from speakers like Christian Miller, Dru Johnson, Andy Davis, Jennifer Herdt, Kelly Kapic, Todd Hall, and Kristin Kellen. Click here to register!

Coffee Break with Visiting Scholar Dr. Joshua Williams

Join us in the Library Reference Common Area on January 27th at 10 AM for our first Coffee Break of the semester! Come and welcome Dr. Joshua Williams, from our sister seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, to our campus and get to know him while he is here! He is the Associate Professor of Old

Women’s Kickoff Event

Ladies – Don’t miss our Women Around SE Kick-Off Event! Come kick off the spring semester with your fellow sisters and enjoy a night full of community-building fun and discussing how to missional women. Plus- free Ben & Jerry’s AND hot chocolate bar! We can’t wait to see you there, next Thursday, January 26th at

BSCNC Disciple Making Conference

Most ministry leaders are squeezed into a mold of measuring success by what happens at church on the weekend. What if your church was known more for multiplying disciples than adding worship attendees? At the 2023 Disciple-Making Conference, you will be inspired and equipped to become a church on mission to win, build and send

Giving Tuesday is Tomorrow!

November 29th is an important day on campus as Southeastern will be participating in #GivingTuesday. If you want to give charitably to Southeastern, this is an excellent day to do it. On November 29th, we set a goal of 500 Great Commission gifts! Will you consider giving one? We need you, your folks, your friends,

Graduation Rehearsal Breakfast

ALL GRADS are invited to bring your friends and family to a free breakfast on the Quad before Graduation Rehearsal on December 8th at 9 AM- coffee and hot apple cider included!

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