
Kingdom Diversity’s Bagged Lunch Series | February 4th

Go ahead and get your lunch packed because our first Kingdom Diversity Bagged Lunch Series event of 2020 is on TUESDAY, February 4th! Our discussion during this event will be the state of racial reconciliation in the SBC; you won’t want to miss this! February 4 | Sam James Conference Room, Jacumin-Simpson | 11:45am –

7th Annual African American Read-In | February 13th

On Thursday, February 13th, join Kingdom Diversity in partnership with the English Department for our 7th annual SEBTS African American Read-In right after chapel! This year, we will be featuring the poetry of Philliss Wheatley! This event will be in the SEBTS Library starting at 11:30am.

Breakfast with the IMB | February 5th

Interested in serving with the IMB? Come join us for coffee and donuts on Feb. 5 and learn more about the sending process from our IMB personnel! February 5, 2020 | 8am | Jacumin-Simpson

Intramural Indoor Soccer | February 11 – March 3

Grab your shin guards because Intramural Indoor Soccer is back! Indoor Soccer will be played in the Ledford Gymnasium starting on February 11th and ending on March 3rd. The season will last four weeks and the matches will be played on Tuesday Nights from 6:00 PM to 9 PM. This league will be co-ed, meaning

Worshiping as We GO Album Pre-Release Party | January 29th

Want to get involved in worship through music? Want to connect with student songwriters, musicians, worship leaders, and faculty at Southeastern? Come to the Worshiping As We GO Album Pre-Release Party on January 29, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, in the Appleby Bethea Room. Celebrate and hear the pre-release of the new Worshiping As We GO Album

From Thought to Page 2020 | March 28th

From Thought to Page is a writing conference that aims to help both academic and popular level writers hone their skills. From Thought to Page is a writing conference open to men and women, both students and non-students, in our community. The conference aims to help all writers hone their skills and glorify God through

Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop | April 2nd

For pastors, teachers, and students of the Word of God: the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership is hosting the third annual Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary on Thursday, April 2nd, 2020. Each year, a specific volume from the Christ-Centered Exposition commentary series is featured. This year, we will be featuring the

A Lunar New Year Gathering | January 24th

Join us for a time of fellowship and reflection on the cultural meaning and family significance of the Lunar New Year! This event is for all students and hosted by Asian student leaders! Friday, January 24th | 5:30pm | Ledford Center

Library Workshop: Studying Biblical Languages | January 28-29

Learning Biblical languages can be difficult. This workshop is designed to help students prepare to learn biblical languages and maximize your time and effort. It covers strategies for studying vocabulary and paradigms, as well as, how to read grammar books effectively. Register HERE for Tuesday, Jan. 28th, 1:30-2:30pm Register HERE for Wednesday, Jan 29th, 10:30-11:30am

Women Around SE Kickoff | January 30th

Come join us to kick-off this upcoming year as Women Around SE. Spend an evening fellowshipping with other women connected to Southeastern, enjoy some Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, and see how the Women around SE team can help you thrive during your time here at Southeastern. Thursday, January 30th | 7-8:30pm | Ledford MPR

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