Looking for ways to worship through music? Want to connect with other worship musicians at Southeastern? Come to the Wednesday Music & Worship Fellowship at 11:30 am – 12:30 pm, in the Appleby Bethea Room. Free Chick-fila food will be served! On August 28th from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm in Appleby’s Bethea Room, hear important information about semester events and opportunities for
After the first full week of classes, come sit down with some professors and get to know them a little better. Our guests this week are: Dr. Brent Aucoin: Professor of History, Associate Dean of the College for Academic Affairs Dr. Charles Quarles: Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology, Charles Page Chair of Biblical Theology Friday, August 30 |
Learning Biblical languages can be difficult. This workshop is designed to help students prepare to learn biblical languages and maximize your time and effort. This workshop will cover strategies for studying vocabulary and paradigms, as well as, how to read grammar books effectively. August 27 and August 28 | 1:30pm – 2:30pm | Library 2nd Floor
Would you like to use your musical gifts serving with a contemporary band and representing Southeastern? Southeastern Worship Collective is a pool of students that seek to meet the musical needs of local churches and serve in other capacities to help fulfill the mission of Southeastern. Members of this collective are eligible to travel to
Intramurals at SEBTS is excited to announce that we will be offering 7 vs 7 co-ed Outdoor Soccer this fall! The time is finally here to showcase your world-class talents like Ronaldo (well maybe not that world-clas, but you get the idea). Details below! What: Intramural Outdoor Soccer (7 vs 7). When: The outdoor soccer season
Welcome back students! Join us for Coffee House on August 21st at 7pm in the Ledford Center and enjoy free live music, coffee & time with friends new and old. August 21 | 7pm – 9pm | Ledford Center
On behalf of Intramurals at SEBTS, we would like to invite all returning and new students to be involved with intramural sports at SEBTS this year. The mission statement of SEBTS Intramurals is to “promote spiritual growth through physical activity and fellowship with the goal of encouraging God-called men and women to fulfill their preparation
Join Drs. Akin & Liederbach for our Breakfast with Doc series on September 5th from 8-9am in the Ledford Multipurpose room (upstairs). Come prepared to ask the professors questions about their work, life, interests, etc to get to know them in a casual setting. This event is open to all Graduate students and their spouses.
Participants Needed! Join us as our International Student Services and Kingdom Diversity offices are hosting a Cultural Celebration Day event on Friday, August 23st!! We are looking for participants to help us in featuring different cultures though music, dance, reading scriptures in different languages, tables with items from the different cultures, tables with food samples
This Fall, our hymn-writing friends Keith & Kristyn Getty will return to Southeastern as part of their 2019 Sing! Tour. Along with Stuart Townend, the Gettys have pioneered the modern hymn genre, and were commissioned to write our Southeastern school hymn “For the Cause.” On October 15th, the Gettys and their world-class band will be at Southeastern to lead