
#GivingTuesday Call-A-Thon | November 27th

On #GivingTuesday, November 27th, you can help Southeastern call and invite others to give from 11:30AM to 3:30PM in the Ledford Student Center. Call-A-Thon callers will earn $10/hour. Sign up HERE!

Intramural Disc Golf Tournament | November 17th

Did you know that SEBTS has a disc golf course? Well, despite what the skeptics say, there is a disc golf course at SEBTS and Intramurals at SEBTS is hosting a tournament!  The Disc Golf tournament will take place on Thursday, November 17th at 10 AM at the SEBTS Disc Golf course. Faculty, students, dependents

SEBTS Military Student Ministry Physical Training Event | November 14th

Support those whose are GOING into the Military Ministry Think you have what it takes to be a military Chaplain? Need some time to detox as the pressure of the final weeks school are taking place? Looking for some fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ? Date/Time/Location: 14 November, 0600-0700 am, Front of Patterson

CFC Lecture with Sheldon Bleiweiss | November 8th

The Center for Faith and Culture invites you to hear Sheldon Bleiweiss on Thursday, November 8th at 7:00pm in the CFC Seminar Room. Mr. Bleiweiss will be giving an interactive talk about Kristallnacht to commerate its 80th Anniversary. A child of two Holocaust survivors Shelly Bleiweiss grew up in Houston, Texas, the oldest of three

Nehemiah Teams Luncheon | October 30th

Want to take the gospel to people who have never heard?  Want to travel to some of the hardest places on earth?  Serve overseas THIS SUMMER with long term church planters and in partnership with the International Mission Board to bring the gospel to those who have never had a chance to hear! Nehemiah Teams

Rabbit Room Symposium | December 4th – 5th

The Center for Faith and Culture is hosting a Rabbit Room workshop day in conjunction with the Andrew Peterson concert on December 5th. These workshops will cover songwriting with guest Taylor Leonhardt, creative writing with Jonathan Rogers, visual art with Jamin Still-illustrator, along with a lunch panel where our guest artists will share how they

Andrew Peterson Concert Volunteers

We are excited to host Andrew Peterson and his band for our annual Christmas Concert this year on December 5th but we need YOUR help! If you are interested in being a volunteer for our Christmas Concert, please sign up through this RSVP ticket ( You will receive free admission to the concert, but the

Annual Bay Leaf Baptist Toy Chest | November 10th

Register today for the 25th Annual Bay Leaf Baptist Toy Chest! When: Saturday, November 10, 2018 9:00AM Registration & Raffle Entry: 6:30 – 8:30AM (Raffle registration ends at 8:30AM) The Toy Chest is a way in which Bay Leaf Baptist Church helps SEBTS students with Christmas gifts for their children. We buy all new gifts

Portland Church Planting Luncheon | October 25th

Kevin Lott, Pastor of East Bridge Church in Portland, Oregon, will be here on Thursday, October 25th to share more about their ministry and give you an opportunity to join their team. If you are interested in church planting or being a part of the work in Portland then come join us for a free lunch

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