
Library Workshop: Zotero | September 25th – 27th

If you have struggled with footnotes and bibliographies when writing papers, then this workshop is for you. We will introduce you to the free software citation management software Zotero. Bring your computer for this event. You will be thank us for showing you this. Register for September 25th HERE. Register for September 26th HERE. Register

Timothy+Barnabas Exchange Conference | November 6th

Timothy-Barnabas: Help for Leading Families and Churches   LEADERSHIP. It’s implicit and crucial in both the ministry leader’s home and field of service. As Gospel stewards, we’re responsible for shepherding those in our families and churches to Christlikeness, leading them to become high-definition pictures of the Gospel of Christ. To help with this task, the

Come to the Table Exhibit | September 24th

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture will host a national traveling art exhibit called “Come to the Table.” The exhibit is made available through Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA), a non-profit organization founded in 1979 dedicated to exploring and nurturing the relationship between the visual arts and the

Library Workshop: Researching for Papers | September 18th – 20th

Ever wondered how the professionals do research? In this Library Workshop we will cover what the research process looks like, how to manage your time for research, and how to find and use the appropriate databases for research. Register for September 18th HERE. Register for September 19th HERE. Register for September 20th HERE. Library |

Spikeball Tournament | September 24th

Guess what?? The Second Annual Spikeball tourney is here! Spikeball is an exciting new game that has gained national popularity over the last few years. Spikeball is a combination of volleyball and four square borrowing similar rules from each while remaining a unique sport of its own. As you can imagine Spikeball is a fun

Dr. McMillon’s Lunch and Learn Series: Stress | September 12th

Feeling stressed? Misunderstood and dangerously downplayed, stress is the leading cause of many health problems. Forget what you think you know about stress. You will learn about the latest research on how to identify it and strategies to prevent and counteract it. Twice this fall, Dr. Joshua McMillon will be speaking in the Ledford Multi-Purpose Room on topics

SEBTS Military Community Focus Week | September 4-7

SEBTS is thankful for our students and their families who are part of the military community. Whether on campus or online, our military community contributes diverse life, ministry and work experiences to SEBTS. We are also thankful for the military ministry opportunities God is preparing for our greater SEBTS community. To show our appreciation and to cultivate these opportunities, SEBTS

End of Week Coffee Break | September 7th

Join us in the Library as Dr. Adrianne Miles and Dr. Benjamin Quinn host the End of Week Coffee Break on September 7th. Stop by to meet your professors, talk about life at SEBTS, and drink some coffee. Register for the Coffee Break HERE. Library | September 7 | 2-3pm

Library Workshop: Learning Biblical Languages | September 4th

Worried about your biblical language classes this semester? A language class is different than learning other types of classes. We will discuss best practices for success in learning biblical languages. Register for September 4th HERE. Register for September 5th HERE. Register for September 6th HERE. Library | 2nd Floor Sailhamer Room | September 4th |

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