Guess what?? The Second Annual Spikeball tourney is here! Spikeball is an exciting new game that has gained national popularity over the last few years. Spikeball is a combination of volleyball and four square borrowing similar rules from each while remaining a unique sport of its own. As you can imagine Spikeball is a fun
Rev. James White has graciously agreed to host and participate in this event. Joining him will be Dr. Will Willimon from Duke Universtiy, who recently published Who Lynched Willie Earle? Also joining this panel will be Dr. Donald G. Mathews, from UNC, who recently published, At the Altar of Lynching. Dr. Colin Adams, from St.
Feeling stressed? Misunderstood and dangerously downplayed, stress is the leading cause of many health problems. Forget what you think you know about stress. You will learn about the latest research on how to identify it and strategies to prevent and counteract it. Twice this fall, Dr. Joshua McMillon will be speaking in the Ledford Multi-Purpose Room on topics
SEBTS is thankful for our students and their families who are part of the military community. Whether on campus or online, our military community contributes diverse life, ministry and work experiences to SEBTS. We are also thankful for the military ministry opportunities God is preparing for our greater SEBTS community. To show our appreciation and to cultivate these opportunities, SEBTS
Join us in the Library as Dr. Adrianne Miles and Dr. Benjamin Quinn host the End of Week Coffee Break on September 7th. Stop by to meet your professors, talk about life at SEBTS, and drink some coffee. Register for the Coffee Break HERE. Library | September 7 | 2-3pm
Worried about your biblical language classes this semester? A language class is different than learning other types of classes. We will discuss best practices for success in learning biblical languages. Register for September 4th HERE. Register for September 5th HERE. Register for September 6th HERE. Library | 2nd Floor Sailhamer Room | September 4th |
Join us as our International Student Services and Kingdom Diversity offices are hosting a Cultural Celebration Day event on Friday, August 31st!! We will be featuring music, dance, reading scriptures in different languages, tables with items from the different cultures, tables with food samples from different nations, and more… There will even be an activity
Are you enrolled in Hebrew or Greek this semester? Whether you are eager to learn the languages, dread memorizing all the paradigms and vocab words, want to do as much as you can, or you are just trying to make it through class, Biblical Languages for Everyone is for you. Join Biblical Languages for Everyone
Worship as We GO Music & Worship Fellowship | August 22 Connect with Southeastern musicians and worship leaders while enjoying FREE Chick-fil-a® chicken biscuits. On August 22 from 11:30 am – 12:20 pm in Appleby’s Bethea Room, hear important information about semester events and opportunities for music and worship at Southeastern. Contact Dr. Waggener for
Join us at 10:30am on Tuesday, August 21 for our annual Gathering Chapel. This is a great opportunity to orient our hearts to be gospel-centered and mission-minded through worship and prayer as we begin a new academic year. There will be a time of worship through song, for hearing mission trip testimonies from various SEBTS