Over the past year, and especially this past week, professional athletes have “taken a knee” during the National Anthem as a form of protest. Join us for a discussion surrounding the initial reasons of the protest, why it’s controversial, and a Christian response to this important cultural development. #TakeaKnee
If you’re interested in spending 8-weeks working among the unreached and hard-to-reach, then come learn about Nehemiah Teams! Nehemiah Teams is an 8-week summer mission opportunity for students ages 17-29 which strategically involves them in cross-cultural missions among unreached people groups. As a program of the International Mission Board (IMB), Nehemiah Teams partners with IMB
Interested in serving the conference as a volunteer? Sign up at and our events team will place you on the schedule. Please be aware that serving as a volunteer for the conference means you will not be able to attend the event during the serving times. Also know that we have a limited number of
Intramurals at Southeastern is excited to announce our annual Golf Tournament at Paschal Golf Course off of Stadium Drive! Saturday, September 23, at 2pm, we will be taking to the links for all the pars, birdies, albatrosses, and hole-in-ones our hearts can handle! All players will be required to pay to play on arrival and
In 1890 Charles Octavius Boothe, an educator and black Baptist minister, wrote “Plain Theology for Plain People.” Boothe wrote out the basics of theology in a simple form with simple language for his congregation who did not have access to education. Dr. Walter Strickland is reintroducing this important book with an added forward. Come celebrate
Stewardship: Why We Must Value Time “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” – Ephesians 5:15-17. We are excited to see all of are
Don’t miss the big Campus-Wide Yard Sale, hosted by the Housing Office on Saturday, September 16 from 7:00–11:30am, located in the housing office parking lot. At previous campus yard sales, students and members of the community have come out in droves, which means this is also a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, not to
Join the Kingdom Diversity Team for a discussion on White Supremacy and the Imago Dei. Grab your lunch right after Chapel and join us in the Sam James Conference Room at 12PM. Questions? Contact
On Tuesday, September 5, after Chapel from 11:30am to 3:30pm the Bloodmobile from UNC Rex Health will be in the parking lot next to Ledford for students that want to participate in giving blood. If you wish to give blood you have the chance of making a difference that will change up to three lives!
Join Kingdom Diversity on September 1 at 7:00pm in Eitel Auditorium for a Forum on America. At this forum they will be discussing the recent news from Charlottesville, confederate monuments and racial superiority. If you have any questions about this event please email Kingdom Diversity at