Come join us for the Center for Faith & Culture’s Carver-Barnes Lecture entitled “Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? Who They Were and Why you Should Care,” and The Forum featuring guest lecturer Jack Collins, Professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary. The lecture takes place on Thursday, February 20th at 7:00 pm and
ATTAM922 ( ATTAM922 is a traveling worship team with a passion for diverse corporate worship and we are having an open audition. What are we looking for? Worship Leaders Pianists/Keyboard Players Vocalists/Singers Guitarists (Acoustic/Electric/Bass/Mandolin/Banjo) Drummers Poets Rappers Song Writers Choir Directors Liturgical Dancers The audition will be held January 24th at 6:30pm on campus. Registration
On Tuesday, April 1st, modern hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty will return to Southeastern Seminary. Along with their world-class band, they will lead us in singing Hymns for the Christian Life at a 7pm concert. Southeastern students have the opportunity to participate in this concert by joining the Getty Mass Choir! Participants in this
On Thursday, December 5th, at 7 p.m., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) will continue its celebration of Christ’s worldwide Kingdom with “A Kingdom Christmas at Southeastern.” Come join Dr. Daniel Akin, president of SEBTS, and diverse members of the Southeastern community to hear the Biblical account of Christ’s birth read in various languages and sung in
20th Annual Bay Leaf Baptist Church Toy Chest Saturday, November 16th 9:00am (Registration is 6:30am-8:30am) (Must come early to enter raffle. See website for more details.) For SEBTS Students with Children Taking Minimally- College 6+ credit hours (*Lower Minimum for ’13) OR Master’s 6+ credit hours, OR Ph. D., D. Min., Ed. D. &
Please join us this Saturday, November 2nd for our annual Craft & Bake Sale from 9am-3pm in Ledford Center Gymnasium. Students, student wives & staff from Southeastern Seminary will be ultilizing their God given talents and gifts to present unique crafts, delicious baked goods, and much more! Please visit for additional informaiton and directions.
Please join us this Friday, October 25th, for an all-day event as our guest speakers and some of our own Old Testament faculty discuss the scientific and biblical data for the age of the Earth and Noah’s flood. Both young-earth creation scientists and old-earth creation scientists will be present to dialogue with one another about
Next Thursday, October 24th we are having a lunch right after chapel to which we are inviting all the Spanish speaking students and staff. The lunch will take place in the conference room of the Great Commission Center (CGCS). We are planning to start at 11:15am. Lunch will be served. The idea is to gather