
Granville County School Educator Job Fair

Granville County Schools is hosting an Educator Job Fair for certified staff for the 2013-2014 school year. The Job Fair is Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon at Granville Central High School. Granville County Schools is seeking teachers, counselors, and licensed educations with a special emphasis in business, technology, and on-line instruction.

Family Life Conference

The lives of married couples are filled with pressure. Whether it be money worries in a time of economic stress or the everyday rigors of time management, many couples feel the stress of daily living most clearly in their relationship. When you add one, two, or more children to the mix, the pressures can mount

CFC Event this Friday: “Thomas Woodward: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made”

The Center for Faith and Culture is hosting, “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made,” featuring Thomas Woodward. During the past twenty-five years, scientific evidence has rapidly accumulated that points to the brilliant design of the universe, life, and humanity.  Dr. Woodward’s lecture will provide a brief overview of this remarkable development, then focus on the newest findings

NAMB Send North America Conference, July 29-30, 2013

Don’t miss the North America Mission Board’s Send North America Conference, July 29-30, 2013, in Dallas, Texas. This two-day gathering will help churches and leaders further discover, develop and deploy their roles and resources to penetrate lostness in North America. In addition to main sessions, breakouts, workshops and networking opportunities, the conference offers tracks customized

Women’s Self-Defense Class

Attention ladies: It’s time to get your self-defense on! Women’s Life and Nathan Brown of Wake Forest Christian Karate will be joining together to host a ladies self-defense event this Saturday from 10 am-12 pm. This class is FREE, open to all SEBTS ladies (students, wives, staff) and will be held in the gym. Registration

Gospel Music Demo and Discussion Friday, Feb 8

Come hear a variety of Black Gospel music and discuss matters of style, culture, and theology with Andy Crouch on Friday, February 8th in Appleby Chapel beginning at 10:00 am. Southeastern music students will help demonstrate a wide range of music at this event. Students, faculty, and staff are all invited to attend. For more

20/20 Conference- February 1 and 2

Southeastern is excited to introduce our 20/20 theme in 2013: Gospel and Mission. In 1 Cor. 15, Paul says that the gospel is of “first importance.” It is the Big E on the eye chart. It is central in the Christian life and in the church’s mission to the world. In this conference, we desire to

Student Academic Conference-paper presentation opportunity (Feb 14-16)

Students are invited to Southern Evangelical Seminary’s 2nd annual Student Academic Conference. The conference is February 14-16 at the campus of SES. Students are encouraged to attend or submit papers to be presented. Papers to be presented on any topic related to apologetics, philosophy, theology or Biblical studies. Papers should be about 15 pages long.

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