If you are looking for a summer ministry opportunity, Camp Cale may be the place for you. Located in Hertford, NC, Camp Cale is a Baptist camp that provides summer camp programs for youth and children. For more information visit the website at or you can email Chris Allen,
You are invited to the International Banquet this coming Saturday! The banquet will be held at the Ledford Center (main floor) on Saturday, December 8, at 5:30 p.m. –7 p.m. Feel free to wear your country costume and bring some of your country’s finest cuisine to share with others. This is a potluck dinner so
On Friday night, November 30th, at 7:00 PM, Southeastern will begin the Christmas season by presenting Glory to God: A Southeastern Christmas. Come join Dr. Akin and the Southeastern community as we hear the Biblical account of Christ’s birth read and join together in songs that give “glory to God.” The program will include contemporary
Building on the Legacy of Francis Schaeffer, Friday, November 30, Sessions at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the Center for Faith and Culture seminar room at SEBTS. Come join us as Nancy Pearcey of Houston Baptist University shows us how to deepen, advance, and apply key elements of Schaeffer’s cultural analysis. The 10:00 a.m.
It has never been easier to help yourself and help Southeastern. For one evening, and one evening only, you can “eat more chicken” and help your school. Join us from 5-8p.m. on Nov. 5 at the Wake Forest, Chick-fil-a to support Southeastern. Just print off the “spirit night” flyer and bring it with you and
November 7th at Brigs in Wake Forest at 11:00 AM-1:00 PM students are invited to come for lunch with Don Rayno, coordinator Raleigh Concerts of Prayer, for Clergy, Staff & Students prayer. The cost is $5.00 for lunch. Please call 919- 562-8649 by Nov 5th at 5pm to register for the lunch, so that the
Come learn how to move beyond passive spectatorship at the movies and toward a more reflective and thoughtful engagement not merely preoccupied with what film shows but how it shows. Date: Friday, November 9, 2012 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Center for Faith and Culture Seminar Room, Patterson Hall, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Registration: This event
Experience Church Planting in North Carolina What: Free lunch forum on church planting in North Carolina and how you can participate Where: Ledford Center, SEBTS. Click for map of campus here. When: Thursday, November 8, 2012, right after Chapel Who: Jason Lineberger – Ignite Church, Greenville Mike Pittman – Vertical Church, Lumberton Chris Lockhart
Hymn-writers and Southeastern friends Keith and Kristyn Getty are coming to The Durham Performing Arts Center Tuesday, December 18th, for their Joy, An Irish Christmas Tour. This is your invitation to participate by singing in the Community Choir being organized for the event! Rehearsals start Tuesday, October 30th. Sheet music will be handed out at
Looking for something meaningful to do next summer? The CGCS is offering a FREE luncheon after chapel on Thursday November 1, 2012 for College and Seminary students in the Global Missions Room to learn about the opportunities offered through Generation LINK ( Please RSVP to! See you then!