We had a number of excellent paper submissions for the 2012 Baccalaureate Colloquium and are now pleased to share the winners! Third place goes to Sheena Sam, second place goes to Joel Borofsky, and first place goes to Mara Masters. We wish to congratulate these students on their scholarly work. The College at Southeastern would
The application process for the 2012-2013 Center for Faith and Culture Mentorship Program is now open. Please visit for more information or contact Sarah Sheaffer at
Ladies, come join us support and honor and commission our ladies deploying overseas! We will be meeting on Monday, April 30 from 7 – 8:30 PM in the Jacumin-Simpson Rotunda to hear from and pray for those about to head overseas. Come be a part of advancing the gospel to the nations!
Southeastern students are invited to the National Day of Prayer event being held on Thursday, May 3 from 11:30 AM– 1:00 PM at the Town Hall of Wake Forest Plaza. Town Hall is at 301 S.Brooks Street in downtown Wake Forest. It is a great opportunity to worship in a public setting and join millions
Do you have too many things or stuff you don’t really need? Would you like to earn some extra money? If so, we invite you to participate in the Campus-Wide Yard Sale. Our last spring yard sale had more than 45 students participating, so this is a great time for you to get involved! We
Jubilate [yoo-buh–lah-tey] noun: a musical setting of a psalm opening with the word “Jubilate” [joo-buh-leyt] verb: to have or express great joy; to rejoice The twelfth annual musical presentation of Jubilate will take place in Southeastern Seminary’s Binkley Chapel Tuesday night, May 8, at 7:30 PM. Music ensembles from Southeastern will be sharing music that
On May 6 – 7, 2012 the Center for Faith and Culture and the George Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability will be co-sponsoring a free Falls Lake Christian Stewardship Symposium at North Wake Church. This symposium will bring together theologians and natural resource experts to discuss ecological challenges to Falls Lake and theological perspectives on
What makes a day of visual and performing arts a day to remember? It’s when that day can help feed the hungry too! The 2nd Annual Heart of the Artist Community Art Festival has adopted the theme “Art on a Mission” for this year’s event. Sponsors and artists will work together with attendees to make
Everyone loves clothes! Come learn how to make something cute or sew on a button that keeps falling off your favorite jacket. We will be meeting in the Multipurpose Room in the Ledford Center from 10 AM to 12 PM on Saturday, April 21. The cost is free (no childcare will be provided). Please RSVP
Calling all ladies: Everyone loves clothes! Come learn how to make something cute or sew on a button that keeps falling off your favorite jacket. We will be meeting in the Multipurpose Room in the Ledford Center from 10 AM to 12 PM on Saturday, April 21. The cost is free (no childcare will be