Women Around Southeastern Spring Events Calendar
Check out this semester’s calendar for Women Around Southeastern! Be on the lookout for more details soon.
Check out this semester’s calendar for Women Around Southeastern! Be on the lookout for more details soon.
Check out this semester’s Grad Life Events Calendar! Be on the lookout for more details on each event.
Ladies! Have you signed up for the Cultivate Conference yet? The Cultivate Conference exists to encourage and equip women as leaders in their lives and ministries. This year the theme of Cultivate is Missional Leadership. This year’s speakers include Dr. Julia Higgins, Elizabeth Woodson, and Jacki King! Grab a friend (or 10) and join us
The first Library Coffee Break of the semester is on January 26th at 10 AM- Join us for coffee and conversation with Dr. Daniel Eng, Assistant Professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Western Seminary!
The last Library Coffee Break of the semester is coming up on December 1st at 10 AM! Join us for coffee and conversation with Dr. Dwanye Milioni, Associate Professor of Preaching and Lead Pastor at Open Door Church. Click here to save your seat!
Snow Way! It’s Holly Jolly Jingle Jangle Crazy Christmas Finals Week Fun! Wow- that was a long title, but that’s only because a short one just simply couldn’t capture how fun this week will be! Come join us throughout the week to celebrate the end of a great semester and take a break from finals!
Hey ladies, join us on November 14th at 6:30 PM for a fun night with a panel discussion and worship! We’ll have desserts, gather for a time of worship led by Chloe Farley, and hear from a panel on the topic of cultivating your gifts and passions for the Lord. All women are welcome (staff,
The DMin Office at SEBTS is excited to announce our upcoming Lunch & Learn event! On November 7th at 11:45 AM EST, we invite all current students, alumni, and prospective students to join us on Zoom for an important session with Dr. Hambrick. Our focus during this event will be on a pressing issue facing
It’s time for the annual Spoon Game! The Spoon Game is a week-long game, hosted by students, where each person is given a spoon and a target. The game will take place October 30th – November 3rd. Your objective during the week is to tag your target while also avoiding getting tagged. If you survive
Dr. Timothy George will present this year’s Page lectures. His evening lecture titled “St. Augustine: Pilgrim for an Ecotonic Age” will be held in the Ledford Event room on October 17th at 7 PM. Register here! Timothy George is the founding dean of Beeson Divinity School. As founding dean, he was instrumental in shaping its