
Dr. Ashford speaking at the CFC Forum this Friday

Come hear Dr. Bruce Ashford, Dean of the College and Fellow of the Center for Faith and Culture, speak on Christianity and Culture at The Forum.  The event will be THIS Friday, September 9, from 7:00pm – 9:00 pm in the Center for Faith and Culture on the second floor of Patterson Hall.  Be sure

Hi, My Name Is…

Please join us for Hi, My Name Is…. Connecting Point’s kick-off event on Monday, September 12th!  We will be meeting at 7 pm in the Ledford Center for food, fun, giveaways and fellowship.  Mrs. Carole Rooker will be speaking at our first event, and we will have a special time of worship led by Amanda

Message from the President- Regarding Marriage

Dear SEBTS family, I wanted to make you aware of an important legislative issue coming up regarding Marriage.  There will be a Marriage Rally held this coming Monday, September 12 at 10:30am at the Halifax Mall located just behind the Legislative Building in downtown Raleigh.  The purpose of this rally is to show state legislators that North

Campus-Wide Yard Sale

Do you have too many things or stuff you don’t really need? Would you like to earn some extra money? If so, we ”  invite you to participate in the Campus-Wide Yard Sale. Our spring yard sale had more than 45 students participating, so this is a great time for you to get involved! We are

Apologetics Opportunity at NC State

BOOTS ON THE GROUND – Speaking Truth on the NC State Campus Boots on the Ground is an opportunity provided by the Center for Faith and Culture and the NC State University chapter of Ratio Christi Campus Ministries for seminary students to engage NC State students with the gospel and apologetics. SEBTS students travel to

Red Cross Blood Drive

Red Cross Blood Drive Wednesday, Sept 14 from 10-2:30 In the Ledford Multi-Purpose Room To reserve a spot go to– Sponsor Code is 3065 For more information or if you have questions contact Rachael Woodworth at

Announcing Connecting Point Event Dates

Connecting Point exists to foster fellowship and spiritual maturity among women of Southeastern. Whether you are a college student, seminary student, wife of a student, faculty, or staff member, you are welcome! Connecting Point events are held 5-6 times per academic year. Each has its own unique flavor and is designed to encourage fellowship among

Wake Forest National Night Out

National Night Out (NNO) teams law enforcement agencies with citizens, community leaders, civic groups, and local businesses to promote safe, healthy neighborhoods. The NNO observance, always on the first Tuesday in August, is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community

Summer Opportunity: YMCA High Hopes Camp

Dear Students: The Dean of Students would like for you to know about an on-campus summer ministry opportunity (listed below). Please contact Anthony Hardison ( directly for more specific information. The YMCA’s High Hopes Camp will be held on the SEBTS campus from June 13th – August 5th in the Ledford Center and on the

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