Pregnancy Support Services of Wake Forest is preparing to host their annual Service of Hope. This is an opportunity for women and their families to remember their little ones lost due to a miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, or early infant death. One in four women in the evangelical church have had an abortion and roughly 20%
Join us in Denver, Colorado for Fall Break 2011, October 1-8. Spend the week evangelizing, serving, and various other ministry opportunities with a variety of church plants in different contexts. Students will also spend time encouraging other missionaries in the area. Cost is $900 with a $100 deposit and you get 3 credit hours. Stop
Come hear our three award winners read their papers at The College at Southeastern’s fourth annual Baccalaureate Colloquium on Monday, May 9th, at 6:30 p.m. in Eitel Auditorium. First place goes to Jordon Willard with a $200 award; second place goes to William Birch with a $150 award; and third place goes to Andrew Heintz
Come find out more about the MA in Old Testament at an Informational Luncheon on May 5th at 11:30am in the Multipurpose Room on the second floor in the Ledford Center. FREE Pizza and drinks will be served.
Do you need some items for home or personal use, but don’t want to pay a lot of money? Would you like to help your fellow Southeastern students earn some extra money? Then please stop by the Campus-Wide Yard Sale this Saturday, April 30 from 7:00 – 11:30 AM in the Housing Office parking lot (behind the
Please join us for a special time of fellowship and prayer for the 2011 deployment ladies before they leave to be IMB missionaries. On Monday, May 2nd at 7 pm in Jacumin-Simpson Rotunda. Free childcare is available. Please register your child by Friday, April 29th at 4 pm. For more information please contact the Women’s
If you’re interested in discussing North American Church Planting in Boston, come meet planter and strategist Joe Souza from Boston. The event is 11am-1pm on Thursday the 28th in the Global Missions Room. Please RSVP to Brittany Salmon:
Do you want to be an extra in a movie? Uptone Pictures (located here in Wake Forest) is currently shooting a faith-based film here in town. You might have already seen them around the Wake Forest Baptist Church area and other parts of town. This Friday night, around 7pm, they will be shooting a revival
Southeastern International Student Services would like to invite you and your family to the Spring International Banquet. The banquet will be held at Ledford Center on Saturday, May 7th, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30. Come experience a culturally diverse International Banquet. Enjoy beautiful worship, a message from God’s word by Ant Greenham, and food from all
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has announced the seminary’s Music Program ensembles 9th annual Spring concert, “Jubilate,” for April 28 at 8:00 PM in Binkley Chapel on the Southeastern Seminary campus. The program title, “Jubilate,” is taken from Psalm 100 and is translated Sing Joyfully to God.” Worship is at the heart of this well rounded