Center for Great Commission Studies
Do you feel challenged by mission opportunities? If you’re interested in learning about God bringing the nations to the Triangle, please make plans to attend a meeting presented by World Relief. As of 2010, there were over 160,000 immigrants living in the Triangle. Among the people groups of significant population in the area are some
South America Mission Trip (Guyana) • November 17-25, 2012 • 13 seats available • Led by Dr. Ant Greenham and Dr. David Black • Total cost of trip: $2,000.00 • Deposit: $200.00 • Deposits are non-refundable.
Did you know God is fulfilling Acts 17.26-27 right here in the Triangle? Right now over 160,000 immigrants live here, and within one generation it is expected that 60% of our population growth will be immigrant. World Relief Durham is seeking to empower the church in the Triangle to engage in Christian Community Development (
A returning ISC family is in need of vehicle. If you know of someone who has a vehicle they would be willing to give away or sell, please contact this family directly. They can be reached at or you may contact by phone, Abe 704-322-8147 or Sharon 704-322-7651. For more information, please contact the
World Relief of Durham, along with Centro Internacional De Raleigh, will be hosting several events that will focus on 1) Christian Community Development and Christian responses, 2) Immigrants and 3) Human Trafficking. World Relief is in need of two interns who would be willing to assist in the areas of preparation and execution of these
May 21-June 10 2012 Historical Geography of the Bible (3 Semester Hours Credit) Air Fare Covered by SEBTS Walk where they walked See what they saw Get Course Credit for it! Taught by: The University of the Holy Land Dr. Shawn Madden will be leading the group. For more information, please contact him at or 919.761.2250 Want
Pastor Ed Moore of North Shore Baptist Church in Bayside Queens, NYC will be on campus Tuesday January 24 and Wednesday January 25. He wishes to meet and interview graduating students who might be interested in coming to New York City to plant an SBC church. Below please find a description of the kind of
There are now only 2 seats still open for those of you who would like to spend a couple weeks working on the cutting edge of evangelism, discipleship and leadership training. You’ll have the unique opportunity to minister in possibly the only Muslim country currently experiencing a church growth explosion. The trip costs $2,700, and
Want to see the Great Commission combined with the Great Commandment to embark on a holistic, church-planting adventure? Then this summer you should go to South Sudan with e3 partners and Greg Mathias. The trip is June 12-23, 2012. The cost is $3850 with a $400 non-refundable deposit and 3 hours credit, tuition cost waived.
Sign up NOW to spend 9 days in Brazil! Your team departs a couple days after graduation (on May 18) and returns on May 28. This trip will be working with local believers, team members will build relationships and practice evangelism. Evangelistic methods will include the EvangeCube and keyboard lessons to interested students, which creates